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Star of Hope and Silver Line


While the Staithes fishing fleet was out during the morning the weather worsened and by noon the sea was very rough, the wind had risen almost to a gale and it was snowing. There was a severe frost, and ice made the launch very difficult, but the motor life-boat Robert Patton - The Always Ready was got away at one o’clock and went to Staithes. Here she stood by until the cobles Star of Hope and Silver Line, which had been fishing five miles to the north-east, had made land safely. When she returned to Runswick the tide was too high to allow her to be beached, so she had to remain in the Bay. When the time came to beach the boat at six o’clock it was blowing a gale. Her propeller had become entangled with seaweed and she was washed ashore broadside on.

Thomas Patton, junior, the assistant motormechanic, at once jumped overboard and at considerable personal risk carried a line ashore.

This greatly helped in the safe beaching of the life-boat. - Rewards, £45 4s. 6d..