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S.S. Wilno, of Gdynia, Poland

APRIL 22ND. - CAISTER, NORFOLK. A message was received from the Winterton coastguard at 12.50 in the afternoon that a steamer appeared to be aground on North Caister Shoal about two miles from the coastguard station. A moderate north-north-west gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. At 1.15 the motor life-boat Jose' Neville was launched and found the S.S. Wilno, of Gdynia, Poland, a ship of 2,000 tons, with a crew of twenty-seven. While the coxswain was giv-.

ing instructions to her captain, she broke away from her anchor and collided with the lifeboat, damaging her rudder. After about two hours the Wilno refloated under her own power and the life-boat escorted her into Yarmouth Roads. The life-boat then went to Gorleston, where she arrived at 4.30 in the afternoon. There she was moored for the night, returning to her station the next day.

- Rewards, £15 15s..