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S.S. Vic 33


At 12.15 in the afternoon the coastguard reported a vessel apparently in distress. A fresh north-west wind was blowing, with a choppy sea and showers of sleet. The motor life-boat Lawrence Ardern Stockport, was launched at 12.42, and an hour later found S.S. Vic 33 near St. Patrick’s Causeway. She had a crew of five, and was bound in ballast from Holyhead to Portsmouth.

She had lost her propeller and was drifting, short of food and of fuel for lights.

The life-boat brought ashore her first officer at three o’clock to get food and other stores and took him out again to the steamer. It was then six o’clock. As the Vic 33 was helpless, and the weather was threatening, the life-boat stood by throughout the night.

In the morning H.M.S. Loch Tulla arrived at nine o’clock and made preparations to take the Vic 33 in tow. The life-boat passed the hawser. At 10.25 the Loch Tulla and the Vic 33 started on their way to Fishguard and the life-boat returned to Barmouth. She arrived at 12.15 in the afternoon, just twenty-four hours after the Vic 33 had been reported in distress. - Rewards : first service, £10 18s. ; second service, property salvage case..