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S.S. Kimball Harlow, of London

AUGUST 23RD. - WALTON AND FRINTON, ESSEX. At 4.45 in the morning the coastguard telegraphed that North Foreland Radio Station had reported a vessel on the Southern Shipwash Sands and in need of help.

A light northerly breeze was blowing, with a heavy swell. The motor life-boat E.M.E.D.

was launched at 5.20, and found the S.S.

Kimball Harlow, of London, laden with coal and bound for the Tyne, a mile and a quarter north-east of South-west Shipwash Buoy.

At the request of her master the life-boat stood by until the Kimball Harlow refloated.

A tug arrived, but was not needed, and the steamer went on her way. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 2.30 that afternoon. - Rewards, £10 6s..