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S.S. Antonio


A telephone message was received at five in the afternoon from the naval base at Milford Haven that the S.S. Antonio had been in collision near Milford Buoy. A southsouth- west wind was blowing. The sea was rough, and there was a thick fog. At 5.30 the motor life-boat Elizabeth Elson was launched. On reaching the Milford Buoy she was directed by an examination ship on a south-south-east course and found the Antonio at anchor. A party from a French corvette was on board, and the life-boat was not needed. She went to the corvette and found that they had an injured man and two dead on board. The injured man did not wish to leave the corvette. At the request of the officer-of-the-watch the lifeboat took six men from the corvette to the Antonio, and then returned to her station, arriving there at 9.30 that evening. On the following day the life-boat was again launched at 2.10 in the afternoon at the request of the naval authorities, to stand by the Antonio while tugs attempted to tow her to harbour.

The life-boat found no one on board the steamer and no sign of the tugs, so she returned. - Rewards : first service, £14 15s.

6d. ; second service, £27 17s. 6d.