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May (1)

LLANERCHYMOR, FLINTSHIRE. At 12.15 in the afternoon of the 15th of March, 1945, an Anson aeroplane came down in the Dee Estuary, off Llanerchymor. A strong southwest wind was blowing, but the sea was calm.

The crash was seen by Mr. N. Jones, who ran and told Mr. J. C. Mealor and Mr. S. Mealor, fishermen. All three went by car to the wharf and the two Mealors put out in their rowing boat Flint Castle. They sculled to the aeroplane, 300 yards out. It was sinking rapidly and the two airmen were up to their shoulders in the water, both exhausted, and one with his foot entangled in the wire controls.

With difficulty the two fishermen rescued them and brought them ashore.They went out again, fixed the aeroplane with anchors and rope, and later helped to salve her. For this they received £3.- Rewards, £1.

New BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 11.50 in the morning of the 2nd of April, 1945, two boys went out in a small boat. It capsized, and they got on to the broken girders of the damaged end of Egremont Landing Stage.

The tide was rising over it. The sea was choppy, and a moderate west-north-west wind was blowing. The police told the life-boat station and the life-boat motor-mechanic and two other men put out in the lifeboat’s motor dinghy. They found the two boys exhausted, brought them ashore and sent them to hospital. - Rewards, £1 10s..