H.M. Motor Torpedo Boat 2007
MAY 22ND. - ABERDEEN, AND TORRY LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS. At 5.26 in the afternoon the harbour master reported that H.M. motor torpedo boat 2007 had stranded one hundred and fifty yards east of the old south breakwater. A north-easterly wind was blowing, with a ground swell and breaking surf. The motor life-boat John Russell, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 5.50 and ran out anchors and lines in an unsuccessful effort to refloat the vessel. The Torry life-saving apparatus team had also been called out, and, when at 9.30 the commander of the M.T.B. decided to abandon ship, one of the crew, who had been injured, was landed by the apparatus.
Twenty men, the remainder of the crew, were rescued by the life-boat, which arrived back at her station at 10.10. Later the M.T.B. broke in two. - Rewards : Aberdeen life-boat, £14 15s. 3d. ; Torry L.S.A., £13 19s. 6d..