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February (1)

LISMORE ISLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE. Some American sailors belonging to a Greek ship in convoy absented themselves and went to a hotel at Port Appin on the mainland. By some means they arrived at Lismore Island, Loch Linnehe, and were eventually taken back to their ship by a trawler. But before this, it was learnt later, two of the men, at eight in the morning of the 10th of October, attempted to regain their ship by means of a raft from Achuaran. The raft capsized when about two hundred yards off shore and the men called for help. A light southerly breeze was blowing, but the sea was rough. In answer to the men’s calls, Miss Sarah Mac- Pherson, aged 60, who recently had undergone an internal operation, and her sister Joan, aged 58, both described as being of frail physique, put out in their rowing boat.

With great difficulty, and at great risk in that rough sea, and with the two men unable to help themselves, they rescued them and gave them hospitality in their home.- Rewards, £1 and a framed letter of appreciation to each of the two rescuers.

ILFRACOMBE, DEVON. At five in the evening of the 30th of December, 1944, a report was received by the pier watchman that two people had been cut off by the tide at the foot of Hillsborough Cliffs. The sea was fairly heavy. Coxswain S. Williams and another man put out in the rowing boat Polly, found a soldier and a woman and with some difficulty took them off and brought them to harbour. - Rewards, £1.

NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 10.40 in the morning of the 1st of January, 1945, lifeboat motor-mechanics McDonald and Hidden were working on the No. 1 life-boat when they heard someone calling. Off the promenade, on a bank which was rapidly being surrounded by the sea, they saw a woman with a dog. A light south-west breeze was blowing, with a slight sea. The two mechanics put off in the motor boarding boat. In trying to get ashore the woman had fallen, and when they reached her they found her almost submerged and unconscious. They took her into the boat, gave her artificial respiration and landed her at New Brighton stage.

Here she regained consciousness and was taken to hospital. - Rewards, £1.