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Charing Cross, and The Normandy 2


During the afternoon the motor life-boat J. W. Archer was out on exercise.

She saw the tug Charing Cross, with two empty hoppers in tow, enter the Tees, and the second hopper, the Normandy 2, part her tow rope and drive ashore at Battery Point, South Gare Breakwater. The life-boat went to her help and fired a line to her. In this way she got another tow-rope fixed between the hopper and the tug, but the tug failed to haul the hopper off. The tug decided to stand by and make another attempt as the tide flowed, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 4.30. At 9.15 news was received from the lighthouse keeper that the hopper was badly holed ; she would not float; the two men aboard would have to be taken off. The life-boat left at 9.55, in a moderate sea, with a westerly wind blowing. She took off the men, put them on board the tug, and returned to her station at 10.30 that night.- - Rewards, £22 8s. 6d..