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A Motor Fishing Boat

JUNE 7TH. - FENIT, CO. KERRY. At two in the morning a message was received that a motor fishing boat, with five men on board, was adrift in Tralee Bay. A fresh to strong south-west-to-west wind was blowing and the sea was choppy. At 2.20 three of the boat’s crew came ashore in a curragh.

They could not give any information about the two remaining men, beyond the fact that the boat’s engine had broken down, that she had only one oar and a very poor sail, and that she was drifting before the wind. At 2.30 the motor life-boat Peter and Sarah Blake was launched and, using her searchlight, found the fishing boat with the two men on board, took her in tow, and brought her to Fenit. She returned to her station at 4.30.

- Rewards, £7 19s..