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A Floating Crane

FEBRUARY 2ND. - SELSEY, SUSSEX. At 1.20 in the afternoon the coastguard telephoned that the naval authorities at Portsmouth had reported a floating crane in difficulties in Hayling Bay. A moderate south-west gale was blowing, with a rough sea. The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 1.35 and found the crane dragging its anchor towards Chichester Harbour Polls. The tug L.T.639 was lying off. She was unable to get near enough to give any help. At the request of the skipper of the crane the life-boat picked up a towrope from the tug and carried it to the crane.

The tug then took the crane in tow. The life-boat left Hayling Bay at 3.40 and reached her station again at 5.5. - Rewards, £15 9s..