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Two Rafts From Solstad


At 5.25 in the morning the resident naval officer at Penzance reported that a convoy had been attacked about five miles south of Treen coastguard hut. A moderate southwest wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The motor life-boat W. and S. was launched at 5.50 and reached the position given to find two rafts. One had two men on it, and the other ten men and two women.

They were survivors from the Swedish steamer Solstad, bound with coal from Swansea to London. The life-boat took them on board, made a further search, but found nothing, and set out for Newlyn. On her way she sent a wireless message to Land’s End for ambulances and medical aid to be ready, and arrived at Newlyn at nine o’clock. After landing the rescued people she put out again and made a further search. She found only wreckage, and reached her station again at three in the afternoon. - Rewards, £14 0s. 6d..