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The Western Lightship


At 9.30 in the evening of the 6th of January the honorary secretary of the life-boat station was asked by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board for the services of the life-boat to take food to the Western Lightship, fifteen miles north-by-west of Great Orme’s Head, as the board’s boat had been prevented by heavy seas from going out. Next morning a west-south-west wind was blowing with a heavy sea. The rations arrived at ten o’clock and half an hour later the motor life-boat Thomas and Annie Wade Richards was launched. She delivered the rations to the lightship. They were badly needed. The crew had been without food for three days. The life-boat reached her s t a t i o n a g a i n a t s i x t h a t e v e n i n g . T h e board expressed their thanks and made a donation of £21 to cover the expenses..