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The S.S. Vic 72


During the afternoon of the 20th the honorary secretary of the life-boat station was watching a ship to the south of Skegness pier, and just before eight o’clock the coastguard reported that she was in difficulties. Later the flag officer, Humber, asked that the life-boat should go out, and the motor life-boat Anne Allen was launched at 9.35. A north-north-east gale was blowing, with a very rough sea and driving rain.

The life-boat found the S.S. Vic 72, in ballast, with a crew of five. She had lost her bearings and her engine had broken down. The lifeboat guided her to the calmer waters of Boston Deeps, took on board two of her crew who were suffering from exposure, and landed them a quarter of an hour after midnight.

At 6.45 the life-boat, with a pilot on board, went out again. The pilot and two of the life-boatmen went aboard the steamer, and the life-boat escorted her into Boston. She reached her station again at 9.5 that morning.

- Property salvage case..