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The S.S. Magician, of Liverpool


At 9.10 at night on the 14th of April the Peterhead coastguard reported a vessel in difficulties at Craigwan, two miles north of Peterhead. Later he reported that no help was needed as the vessel should be able to get off at high water. At 4.20 next morning he reported that the vessel was making SOS signals by siren. She had developed a list. She was the S.S. Magician, of Liverpool, of over 3,000 tons, carrying a crew of 80, and bound, laden, from the West Indies for London. The motor life-boat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow was launched at 5.20, in a dense fog with a light south-south-east wind and a ground swell. She had considerable difficulty in finding the steamer, but succeeded at 6.30, took off her whole crew and landed them at Peterhead at 8.30. She put out again at 11.30, at the request of the naval authorities, taking with her the master and first officer, to salve 150 bags of mail. She returned at one o’clock that afternoon.- Rewards, first service, £7 3s. 6d. ; second service, no expense to the Institution..