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The S.S. Eddie, of Fraserburgh

DECEMBER 10TH. - BRIDLINGTON, YORKSHIRE. At 11.45 on the night of the 9th of December, the coastguard reported a vessel firing distress signals three miles north-east of Flamborough Head. A strong north-west wind was blowing, with a heavy sea. The motor lifeboat Stanhope Smart was launched at 12.10 in the morning of the 10th. As she rounded Flamborough Head she ran into heavy weather and shipped a considerable amount of water. After a long search, in which she asked a steamer for information and signalled Flamborough Head, she was guided by the S.S. Westwood, and found the S.S. Eddie, of Fraserburgh, about six miles cast of Filey, with a heavy list to port. She had a crew of ten, and was laden with steel blocks. H.M.S. Puffin was standing by. The master of the Eddie feared she would capsize, and was considering abandoning her. He could not launch the ship’s boat on account of the heavy list, and when he launched a raft it was swept away in the heavy seas. After several attempts the second-coxswain of the life-boat was put on board the Eddie. Then, escorted by the lifeboat, she made for Bridlington Bay, accompanied by S.S. Westwood and H.M.S. Puffin, and arrived safely. The master said that he would not have turned for Bridlington without the support of the life-boat’s presence.

- Property salvage case..