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The Phoenix 121


At 12.45 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that the phoenix 121, one of the concrete caissons used for building the invasion port on the coast of Normandy, to which the life-boat had taken a relief crew and food on the 31st of August, was dragging her anchor five miles north-east-by-north of Dungeness. A whole gale was blowing from the south-west, with a heavy sea and rain squalls. The motor life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson was launched at one o’clock and by skilful seamanship in very difficult conditions she rescued the crew of four. She reached her station again at three o’clock.

An increase in the usual money reward on the standard scale was given to each member of the crew. Standard rewards, £13 6s. ; additional rewards, £8 0s. 6d.; total rewards, £21 6s. 6d..