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The Hoylake Motor Life-Boat


While on her way to a shipyard at Freckleton the Hoylake motor life-boat was delayed by an engine breakdown. She was due off Lytham at three in the afternoon, but did not arrive until 4.30, having travelled under sail for the last ten miles.

A very heavy gale was blowing, and as she could not be left without proper moorings in the gale, and could not continue her voyage under sail alone, the Lytham-St. Annes motor life-boat Dunleary was launched at 4.45, with Mr. Fergus Dearden, the Lytham- St. Annes honorary secretary, on board. He went on board the Hoylake life-boat and the Lytham-St. Annes life-boat towed her to the entrance of Freckleton Pool. The Lytham- St. Annes life-boat then returned, reaching her station again at seven that evening, while Mr. Dearden and one of the Lytham- St. Annes crew piloted the Hoylake life-boat to the shipyard. - Rewards, £2 12s. 6d..