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The Ferry Boat Wallasey

DECEMBER 28TH. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 4.50 in the afternoon a message was received from the New Brighton stage that the ferryboat Wallasey was ashore north of Seacombe, with passengers on board.

A slight south-east breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth, but there was frost and dense fog. At 5.20 the No, 2 motor life-boat Edmund and Mary Robinson was launched and went at low speed, on account of the fog.

She passed two tankers which had also run ashore. At 6.30 she reached the Wallasey, went alongside and took off 61 women and children and landed them at Seacombe Ferry.

She then returned to the Wallasey and took off forty-one women, children and servicemen, and landed them at Seacombe Ferry. She again returned to the Wallasey, but the ferry-boat floated shortly afterwards and went to Seacombe and there landed the remainder of her passengers, about 200.

The fog continued to be very dense, visibility was nil, and as it was thought imprudent to attempt to return to New Brighton, the lifeboat remained tied up at Seacombe until 5.20 in the morning of the 29th. She reached her station again at 7.5 that morning. A letter of appreciation was received from the owners of the Wallasey. - Rewards, £14 12s..