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The Admiralty Tank-Landing Craft 4CVC

DECEMBER 15TH - 19TH. - PORT ASKAIG, HEBRIDES. At 9.15 at night the Kilchoman coastguard reported a vessel ashore at Black Rock, Jura. A strong south-cast wind was blowing, with a heavy sea. Sleet was falling and the night was dark. The motor life-boat Charlotte Elizabeth left her moorings at ten o’clock and found the Admiralty tank-landing craft 4CVC, with a crew of nineteen, bound from Ardrossan to Oban. A wireless message from the landing craft advised the life-boat not to come alongside, but to stand by. A tug was expected, but as, at daybreak, none had arrived, the lifeboat went alongside and rescued the crew.

Twice, while doing it, she touched bottom.

She reached her station again at eleven that morning, the 16th. On the 17th she was out from 2.30 to 5.30 in the afternoon, in an unsuccessful attempt to recover the ship’s confidential papers. On the 18th the lifeboat crew helped in pumping the stranded craft, being engaged from 8.30 in the morning until seven in the evening. These efforts did not succeed in refloating the landing craft, and on the 19th the life-boat was again employed, from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon, on salvage work.

- Rewards, £18 14s., and property salvage case..