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The Admiralty Drifter Supporter


At 9.10 at night information was received from the naval officer-in-charge that the Admiralty drifter Supporter, employed as a hospital carrier, was getting into difficulties off the harbour. A light westerly wind was blowing, with a choppy sea. At 10.5 the motor life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott was launched. The skipper of a naval vessel had been asked if he could supply a signaller, as the life-boat’s signalman was not available.

As he could not do so, he left his bunk and came himself, saying his signalling was fairly good. He was Lieut-Commander E. C.

Hoblyn, R.N.V.R., and the life-boatmen described his signalling as brilliant. The life-boat found the Supporter ashore to the east of the east pier, taking water badly.

There were twelve on board and the master asked the life-boat to take them off. This she did and returned with them to harbour at eleven o’clock. Later the vessel was completely broken up by the sea. A signal was received from the naval officer-in-charge, thanking the life-boat crew. - Rewards, £17 17s..