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The Admiralty Drifter Lord Dunwich


During the afternoon the coastguard reported that a drifter had broken down south-east of Duncansby Head, and that the naval authorities were sending out a vessel to help her. A light west-south-west wind was blowing, with a slight sea, and the weather was clear. Later the vessel, which was the Admiralty drifter Lord Dunwich, with a crew of seven on board, was reported four miles east-by-north of Skirza Head, making distress signals. The motor life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched at 5.15, and nearly three hours later found the drifter seven miles east from Skirza Head. She was then in touch with the Admiralty vessel Scrutator.

Later, the Scrutator took her in tow and, escorted by the life-boat, both vessels reached Wick Harbour at 9.30 that evening.- Rewards, £13 2s. 6d..