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Rosehearty, of Fraserburgh

SEPTEMBER 15TH. - FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. At six in the morning the coastguard reported a drifter ashore on the rocks near St. Combs. A light southeast wind was blowing, but the sea was rough on the beach and there was some fog.

The motor life-boat John and Charles Kennedy was launched at 6.30 and found the steam drifter Rosehearty, of Fraserburgh, with a crew of ten aboard. She was bumping heavily on the rocks. The life-boat ran out an anchor from the drifter. She then made her hawser fast to the drifter, held her stern to the sea, and waited for the tide. While heaving on her anchor the drifter parted the anchor rope and the anchor was lost. The life-boat’s anchor was then put out, but when she started towing the ropes again broke. These were again made fast and finally the drifter floated at 10.45. The drifter and the life-boat reached harbour at 12.20 that. afternoon. - Property salvage case..