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Launches 31 Lives rescued 16 MAY 2ND. - FLEETWOOD, LANCASHIRE.

During the evening the French fishing vessel L’Appel-de-Lemar, while on passage from Newlyn to Fleetwood, with a crew of five, grounded on St. Bernard’s Wharf about half a mile east-by-south from Wyre Lighthouse. A strong west-south-west wind was blowing, with squalls, and a moderate sea. At 7.30 the motor life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched and found the L’Appel-de-Lemar bumping very hard, but, with the rising tide, she floated off and the life-boat escorted her into harbour, arriving at 8.18. - Rewards, £7 12s.


DUBLIN. At nine o’clock at night a lifeboatman saw a small boat in difficulties about one mile north-east of the east pier lighthouse.

The honorary secretary of the life-boat station was informed, and the lighthouse signalled the boat, which replied with an SOS. A light westerly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Dunleary II was launched at 9.40 and found the fishing boat Girl Pat with a crew of two aboard. Her engine had broken down, she was not able to beat back to port under her sail and was being blown out to sea. The life-boat towed her to harbour, arriving at 10.30. - Rewards, £10 12s. 6d.

MAY 5TH. - SOUTHEND - ON - SEA, ESSEX. At 3.20 in the afternoon the naval control reported the naval boat B a s i l George, with two men on board, ashore half a mile east of the pier, and asked that the life-boat should be launched. A very squally south-south-west gale was blowing, with a rough sea. The motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 3.40 and brought ashore the captain.

When she had landed him she was asked to go out again and take off the other man. This she did, returning to her station at 5.30. - Rewards, £5 2s.


At 10.55 at night the naval base reported through the coastguard that an American soldier and a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service had been cut off by the tide on Ynys Meibion rocks off Rhosneigr. The night was fine, with a smooth sea and a slight south-west wind. Taking a small boat in tow the motor life-boat A.E.D. was launched at 11.10. When she reached the rocks three of her crew manned the small boat, and one of them landed on the rocks to find the man and woman very wet and exhausted. On board the life-boat they were given rum and dry clothing. She landed them at Holyhead at 4.45 next morning. There they were met by a service car and, after they had expressedheir thanks, returned to their units. - Rewards, £7.


At 7.15 in the morning a doctor of Castlebay telephoned to the life-boat honorary secretary that he had received a telephone message from Vatersay post office that an R.A.F. Sunderland flying boat had crashed on the hillside, at Uidh, Vatersay, and that members of the crew were badly hurt. A light westerly wind was blowing with a slight sea. The doctor asked for the services of the life-boat, and at 7.50 the motor life-boat Lloyd’s put out with him on board. She took a motor boat with her and reached Uidh in a quarter of an hour. Three of the crew took the doctor ashore in the motor boat, and found three airmen dead, and of the remaining six, three so seriously injured that stretchers were needed. The life-boat made two trips to and from Uidh with the dead and injured and arrived back at her station at 1.30 that afternoon. The local R.A.F. officer asked if the life-boat could again be used to take out the injured men to a ship which had arrived from Tobermory.

She set out at 3.30, made two trips with the men and returned to her station at five o’clock. - Rewards, £10 1s.


About 3.30 in the morning information was received from an officer at Feock, Truro River, that an Admiralty landing barge, L.C.P.R. 675, had stranded at Trefusis, Falmouth Harbour, and was showing signals of distress. A moderate easterly wind was blowing, with a heavy ground swell. The motor life-boat V.C.S., on temporary duty at the station, was launched at four o’clock, and reached the barge twenty minutes later. She found her with a crew of three on board and her engine broken down, passed a rope to her, towed her off and took her to St. Mawes, returning to her station at six o’clock.- Rewards, £6 19s. 9d.


The life-boat crew were called out at 8.30 in the morning to stand by, as a heavy gale was blowing from the northnorth- east, with heavy seas breaking across the harbour entrance, which made it difficult for vessels coming in. At 9.20 the motor lifeboat John and Charles Kennedy was launched and stood by at the harbour entrance ready to help if necessary. She remained there until one o’clock, when she came ashore for her crew to get a meal, and then resumed duty at the harbour entrance. By five o’clock the sea was moderating and, as no boats could be seen approaching, the life-boat was re-housed at six o’clock. - Rewards, £5 1s.


During the morning a number of fishing drifters were in the bay waiting to enter the harbour. A north-east gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea at the harbour mouth, and the tide was ebbing. The motor lifeboat K.B.M. was launched at 11.45 to stand by for any emergency. One vessel, the WestNeuk, had taken the ground and the life-boat passed a rope from her to the pier. She then stood by until the last drifter had reached safety and was re-housed at 7.30 that evening. - Rewards, £6 19s. 9d.


At 8.43 at night it was reported from Glandore that the fishing boat Duck, of Union Hall, Skibbereen, which had put out from Glandore, had not returned from fishing off Galley Head. A moderate north-east gale was blowing, with a rough sea. Enquiries were made along the coast, but nothing could be learnt of the Duck, and at nine o’clock the motor life-boat Shamrock was launched.

She found the missing boat eight miles to the south-west of Baltimore harbour, with her engine broken down. She was leaking badly.

Her crew of five were exhausted and she had lost all her fishing tackle. The life-boat towed her into Baltimore, arriving five minutes after midnight. - Rewards, £11 16s.


At midnight on the 18th the life-boat honorary secretary received a telephone message from the Stornoway coastguard that a fishing boat was in difficulties, with her engine broken down. Her position was given as Barra Head Sound, on the Mingulay Island side. A fresh north-east wind, with squalls, was blowing. The sea was rough. The motor life-boat Lloyd's was launched at 12.40, but it was only after several hours of searching that she found the lobster motor fishing boat St. Mary’s, of Vatersay, in a cove on the south-south-east side of Bernera Island. It was then six o’clock in the morning. The lifeboat towed her to Vatersay, returning to her station at 9.45. - Rewards, £14 14s. 6d.


A report was received from the coastguard that a vessel was ashore two miles south of McArthur Head, Islay, and at 8.30 at night the motor life-boat Charlotte Elizabeth was launched. The weather, was fair, with a moderate northerly wind and a moderate sea. The life-boat found H.M.

trawler Braes of Buckie hard aground, but in no immediate danger. She stood by her to await an Admiralty tug, which arrived at 5.30 the following morning. The life-boat passed a tow-rope from the tug to the trawler, which was refloated at 6.45. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 8.45. - Property salvage case.


At 4.16 in the afternoon the naval officer at Workington informed the life-boat honorary secretary that a Martinet aeroplane was down in the sea north-west of Maryport.

The weather was fine, with a smooth sea and a light variable wind. At 4.38 the motor lifeboat Joseph Braithwaite was launched and found wreckage three and a half miles northnorth- west of Maryport. The R.A.F. boat from Silloth and the Workington examination vessel also came out, but no sign of the aeroplane’s crew was seen. The life-boat arrived back at 6.45. - Rewards, £7 9s. 6d.


At 7.47 at night the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was sounding distress signals by whistle. A light east-north-east wind was blowing, with a slight sea and fog. The motor life-boat K.B.M. was launched at eight o’clock and found H.M. drifter Thaw ashore on East Mucks. As she was in no immediate danger the life-boat took on board her guns, ammunition and personal belongings. The crew of ten were directed to remain on their ship by the naval authorities as it was intended to try and refloat her in the morning.

Some of the crew came ashore in the life-boat to store their gear and the life-boat took them back to the Thaw. She returned to harbour at 10.25. The drifter was refloated on the 3lst. - Rewards, £9 4s.

MAY 3 0 T H . - PETERHEAD, ABERDEENSHIRE. At nine o’clock in the morning the coastguard reported distress signals from a vessel ashore at Scotstown Head.

The sea was smooth, but there was a dense fog. The motor life-boat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow was launched at 9.25 and found the steam drifter Snowdrop on a reef. She belonged to Peterhead and was homeward bound laden with herrings. As there was a danger of her falling over into deep water the life-boat took off her crew of ten. She transferred them to another Peterhead drifter, the Golden Rod, except the skipper whom she brought ashore at noon to report. The drifter remained aground all day and showed every sign of heeling over, but at high water, with the help of two other vessels, she was refloated and brought into Peterhead. - Rewards, £4 15s. 6d.

The following life-boats were launched, but no services were rendered for the reasons given : MAY 1ST. - DUNGENESS, KENT. An aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but only oil and wreckage could be found. - Rewards, £21 6s.


A Lightning aeroplane had burst into flames and crashed in the sea, but only oil on the water was found. - Rewards, £5 0s. 9d.

MAY 10TH. - ABERDEEN. A motor fishing boat had been reported in distress, but another fishing boat towed her to Stonehaven.

- Rewards, £14 16s.

MAY 11TH. - MARGATE, KENT. An object which appeared to be a rubber dinghy had been reported, but nothing could be found. - Rewards, £6 13s.

MAY 11TH. - BALLYCOTTON, CO. CORK. Flares had been reported, but nothing could be found. - Rewards, £7 10s.


A bombing aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but only wreckage was found. - Rewards, £41 6s.


An aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but all that was found was a flare canister. - Rewards, £14 17s.


A British aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but her crew of two were rescued by the lifeboat coxswain, who was out in his fishing boat at the time. - Rewards, £3 15s. (See Dunbar, “Services by Shore-boats,” page 58.) MAY 14TH. - BERWICK - ON - TWEED, NORTHUMBERLAND. A parachute had been reported down in the sea, but it was washed ashore before the life-boat could reach it. A meteorological balloon was attached to it. - Rewards, £7 12s.


A yacht had got into difficulties, but was able to go on her way without help. - Rewards, £15 Is.


An aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but nothing was found. - Rewards, £7 10s.

MAY 19TH. - RHYL, FLINTSHIRE. A Spitfire aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but it had crashed on land. - Rewards, £10 2s. (See Llanerchymor, “Services by Auxiliary Rescue-boats;” page 67).


An aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but the life-boat, which had the honorary secretary, Dr. Joseph Soar, Mus.

Doc., on board as radio operator, found nothing. - Rewards, £3 8s.


A fishing coble had been disabled by the loss of her propeller, but she was taken in tow by another fishing boat. - Rewards, £4 10s.


An aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but her crew of two were saved by a Royal Marine craft. - Rewards, £5 6s. 6d.


It was feared that an aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but nothing was found. - Rewards, £18 0s. 3d.