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At 5.50 in the evening the coastguard reported a landing craft in need of help outside Wells harbour. A strong north-west wind was blowing, with a rough sea ; it was raining and visibility was nil. The motor life-boat Royal Silver Jubilee 1910-1935 put out from harbour at 6.10. She saw a light and found L.C.T.908 ashore on the east side of the harbour itself, but the sea was too rough to approach her that way, so she reentered the harbour and approached from the inside. She let go an anchor, but it fouled and she herself grounded. At low water the life-boat crew laid out, their anchor to windward once more and helped the crew of the landing craft lay out their own anchor. When the tide made, the lifeboat took up a position inside the harbour and showed a light to guide the vessel if she refloated. She did not get off, and the lifeboat, after remaining until after high water, returned to her station, arriving at eight o’clock next morning. L.C.T.908 refloated later. The life-boat had been out at night in bad weather for fourteen hours, and an increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew. - Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £29 7s. 6d. ; additional rewards to crew, £4 10s. ; total rewards, £33 17s. 6d..