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H.M.S. Leigh

OCTOBER 8TH. - SOUTHEND - ON - SEA, ESSEX. At 10.15 in the morning the naval control reported that the tug H.M.S. Leigh was ashore on the Nore Sands. The weather was very foggy, with a light north-west wind and a smooth sea. The motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 10.45 and thirty-five minutes later reached the tug, which had on board the commodore of an outbound convoy and the boarding officer, with all the convoy‘s papers.

This was reported by wireless to the naval control, which asked the life-boat to put the officers on board their ships - which were four miles below the boom - as the convoy was due to sail. This the life-boat did and reached her station again at 2.15 that afternoon.

- Rewards, £7 4s.