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H.M. Drifter Thaw


At 7.47 at night the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was sounding distress signals by whistle. A light east-north-east wind was blowing, with a slight sea and fog. The motor life-boat K.B.M. was launched at eight o’clock and found H.M. drifter Thaw ashore on East Mucks. As she was in no immediate danger the life-boat took on board her guns, ammunition and personal belongings. The crew of ten were directed to remain on their ship by the naval authorities as it was intended to try and refloat her in the morning.

Some of the crew came ashore in the life-boat to store their gear and the life-boat took them back to the Thaw. She returned to harbour at 10.25. The drifter was refloated on the 3lst. - Rewards, £9 4s..