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Hawkes Eye, of Dublin


At 3.20 in the afternoon a report was received by telephone from the Bailey Lighthouse that a yacht was showing a distress signal. A south-south-west wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat R.P.L.

was launched at 3.40. Besides her crew the life-boat had on board a coast watcher, as signalman, the honorary secretary of the lifeboat station and two members of the committee.

She found the yacht Hawkes Eye, of Dublin, one and a half miles south-east of the lighthouse. She had on board two men and a woman. Her rudder had been badly damaged and she was out of control. The owner wished to be towed to Howth. Life-boatmen went on board with the life-boat’s drogue to hold her steady while she was being towed, and the life-boat brought her to Howth at 5.15. Before returning to her station the life-boat went in search of the yacht’s punt which had gone adrift with a man on board, but she learned from the Bailey Lighthouse that he had reached land.- Property salvage case..