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At 7.20 in the evening the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was ashore on the North Head at the harbour entrance. A light south-west wind was blowing, with a ground swell. Visibility was poor. The motor life-boat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow put out at 7.40 and within a few minutes had found the motor vessel Finlande hard aground. She was a French trawler of 1,300 tons, working from Hull, to which port she was bound with a cargo of fish from Iceland reported to be valued at £10,000. Her crew numbered thirty-six, and she was said to be the largest fishing trawler in the world.

As she was leaking badly and fast on the rocks her crew had decided to abandon her.

The swell was heavy, but the crew were able to jump aboard the life-boat. One man fell into the sea, but he was quickly pulled out.

The life-boat reached harbour again at 8.30.

- Rewards, £11 17s..