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Afon Gwili

DECEMBER 17TH. - WALMER, KENT. At 8.40 in the morning the coastguard reported a vessel ashore on the Brake Sands and asked that the life-boat should be launched immediately.

A south-west gale was blowing, with a rough sea. It was low tide and the seas were all broken water for about half a mile out. Beyond that a heavy sea was running. As the motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was being launched the slip chain became unhooked and the life-boat was launched prematurely, with only the motor-mechanic, C. P. Cavell, on board. At the time he was down in the engine-room, but he quickly came up on deck.

Realising he was alone he started the starboard engine, went to the wheel and took the life-boat out into deeper water. He then started the other engine and cruised about until he had a signal from the beach that they were ready for him to beach the boat.

This he did successfully. The life-boat was again launched at 9.45, but found that the collier Afon Gwili, which had been ashore, had refloated. The mechanic’s quick grasp of the situation, prompt action and seamanship undoubtedly saved the life-boat from considerable damage, and the Institution awarded to him its thanks inscribed on vellum. - Rewards, £16 1s..