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Valldemosa (1)

OCTOBER 6TH. - PORT ERIN, AND PORT ST. MARY, ISLE OF MAN. Shortly after two in the morning the Ramsey coastguard informed both life-boat stations that a ship was in distress W.S.W. of the Chicken Rock.

Port Erin was asked if she would launch at once, and Port St. Mary if she would stand by. A S.S.W. gale was blowing, with aheavy sea, and the night was dark, with heavy rain. The Port Erin motor life-boat Matthew Simpson left at 2.45 A.M. and reached the ship at 3.30. She found her to be the Glasgow steamer Valldemosa, with her engine broken down. She was at anchor, and the life-boat stood by.

At Port St. Mary a second message was received at 2.30 A.M. stating that the vessel was ashore on the Calf of Man and asking that the life-boat should go out. The motor life-boat Sir Heath Harrison was launched at 3.30, but she could not find the steamer, as all her lights had been extinguished, so she put into Port Erin to see if she could get some more information. She put out again, and at six o’clock she found the Valldemosa, and the Port Erin life-boat.

She stood by for a time, and at 7.30, as the weather was moderating, as there was no immediate danger, and as a government boat had also now arrived, she returned to her station, arriving at 8.45. At 8.45 the Port Erin life-boat left the steamer, and returned to her station. After her crew had had a meal she put out again at 9.15 and stood by the Valldemosa until a tug arrived. Later the steamer got away under her own power, with a tug in attendance, and the life-boat returned to her station, where she arrived at four in the afternoon. - Rewards : Port Erin, £28 8s. 6d. ; Port St. Mary, £33 16s..