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Three Cutters

SEPTEMBER 7TH. - DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. At 11 A.M. the naval authorities reported that a naval cutter, being used for training purposes off Douglas, was being driven on to the rocks at Onchan Head. A strong W.S.W. breeze was blowing, with a very rough sea. The motor life-boat Manchester and Salford was launched at 11.20 A.M., found the cutter, got a line aboard, and towed her and her crew of five into Douglas harbour.

The life-boat then put out to look for a second cutter, and found that she was all right. Searching again, she found a third cutter, but it was in tow of an R.A.F. launch.

The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 2 P.M. - Rewards, £5 10s..