The Wexford Pilot Boat
MAY 3RD. - ROSSLARE HARBOUR, CO. WEXFORD. During the afternoon the coxswain was watching the Wexford pilot boat off Wexford Bar, apparently waiting for the tide. A N.N.E. gale was blowing with a rough sea. Then the coxswain saw her drift close to the shore and hoist a flag. He called out the crew and the motor life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson was launched at 4 P.M. Three and a half miles N. by W. of Rosslare pier she found the pilot boat. Her engine had broken down ; she had anchored, but her anchors were dragging ; and now she was close to broken water. She had a crew of four. With great difficulty the life-boat got a line aboard her, and towed her into Rosslare harbour, arriving at 5.45 P.M. - Partly paid permanent crew ; Rewards, £1 16s..