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The S.S. South Coaster


At 8.15 in the morning of the 13th of December, the S.S. South Coaster, of Cardiff, ran aground on the eastern end of Pole Sands, west-by-south three-quarters of a mile from Orcombe Point. She carried a crew of thirteen and was laden with coal from Marsden for Exeter. A tug and a landing craft were sent out by the naval authorities, and, although the crew of the life-boat stood by in readiness on the morning and on the evening of the 13th, and again on the evening of the 18th, the life-boat was not called upon to launch. On the morning of the 21st a southsouth- west gale was blowing, with heavy seas. and the resident naval officer asked that the life-boat should be sent out. The motor lifeboat Catherine Harriet Eaton was launched at 1.15 in the afternoon, with naval signallers aboard. She rescued the whole of the crew thirteen in number. A message of congratulation was sent by the resident naval officer to all concerned, and the Institution specially thanked the station officer of coastguard G. W Leak, who, owing to the illness of the honorarysecretary of the station, was in charge.- Rewards, £29 17s..