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The S.S. Foam Queen and another Boat


At eight in the morning the life-boat station received a message from the Fairlight coastguard that a steamer was sinking one mile south of Hastings. A moderate south-byeast wind was blowing, with a moderate sea.

The motor life-boat Cyril and Lilian Bishop was launched at 8.30, but it was 8.50 before she got away as, owing to the low tide, she had to be dragged over a sand bank by the crew and launchers, all of whom got wet from head to foot. Commander W. Highfield, O.B.E.

R.N., the honorary secretary of the station was on board. When the life-boat reached the vessel she found her to be the S.S. Foam Queen, with no one on board, apparently damaged by a bomb on her stern. On the arrival of the Dover tug Lady Duncannon the life-boat put men on the wreck to make fast the towing hawser. In the meantime a wireless message reported a small boat adrift about a mile south of Hastings. The life-boat went in search, but found nothing, and returned tothe wreck, where the tug was trying to get into wireless communication with Dover.

The life-boat returned to her station at 11.10.

- Rewards, £31 17s..