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The S.S. Broughty

NOVEMBER 9TH. - THE HUMBER , YORKSHIRE. About 4.15 in the morning information was received from the Mablethorpe coastguard, through the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station, that the Saltfleet coastguard had seen distress rockets. A light variable wind was blowing, with a slight sea.

The motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 4.53 and found the S.S. Broughty, of Dundee, one mile north of Saltfleet. She had gone ashore in fog, while bound laden from Dundee to Hull, with a crew of sixteen on board. Life-boatmen were put aboard the steamer and then the life-boat took the ground. She remained until the tide made.

In the meantime an anchor was laid out from the Broughty on the flood tide. She refloated and went on up the Humber. The life-boat reached her station again at six that evening.

- Property salvage case..