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The L.C.T. 2263

DECEMBER 3RD. - BRIDLINGTON, YORKSHIRE. At seven in the morning a vessel - the L.C.T. 2263 - was seen to be in difficulties close to the South beach behind the pier. She was driving ashore in broken water and was making signals by red lights and her searchlight. A strong east-northeast wind was blowing, and the sea was rough. Men were sent along the shore in case any of the crew of the landing craft were washed overboard, and the life-boat crew were assembled. At eight o’clock the motor life-boat Stanhope Smart was launched.

Running in, with her drogue out, she let go anchor to windward, and veered down to the landing craft. She took a tow rope from her, and held her off the rocks until after high water, when L.C.T. 2263 was allowed to go aground clear of the rocks and the break-water.

At the captain’s request the life-boat took off and landed nine of the crew. In order to do this she had to fire a rocket across the vessel and go alongside, shipping heavy seas during the operation. The captain and three others remained on board their vessel.- Property salvage case..