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The Danish Motor Trawler C. Risager


At 11.3 P.M. the harbour master reported through the coastguard that a fishing vessel was in distress two and a half miles south-west of Maryport, and at 11.32 P.M. the motor life-boat Joseph Braithwaite was launched. A strong S.W. wind was blowing, with a high, confused sea and heavy rain squalls. The life-boat found the motor trawler C. Risager, a Danish vessel working from Whitehaven with a crew of four.

Her engine had broken down. She had lost both anchors. Her crew were almost exhausted. Just before the life-boat arrived, a government examination steamer had taken the trawler in tow, and escorted by the lifeboat the two vessels reached Workington at 1.40 A.M. The life-boat arrived back at her station at about 3 A.M. The resident naval officer at Workington sent his congratulations to the life-boat crew. - Rewards, £12 6s.