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The Balloon Vessel Thora


At 2.50 A.M. the naval authorities reported that the balloon vessel Thora had got on to the boom defence, but that the tug Yorkshireman was going to her help. A whole W.S.W. gale was blowing with a very rough sea. At 4.18 A.M. came another message asking for the life-boat, and at 4.45 A.M the motor life-boat City of Bradf o r d I I was launched. She reached the position twenty minutes later and with the help of searchlights from the Bull Fort found a man clinging to a life-buoy. With difflculty, she got him on board, and spoke to the patrol vessel Forethought. She had rescued five men of the Thora from a Carley float, but the remaining two were missing. The life-boat put the man whom she’d rescued on board the Forethought, so that he could receive better attention, and be taken more quickly to Grimsby, and then searched for the two missing men, but she found only wreckage. She then made for Grimsby, arriving at eight in the morning, the crew were put up at the Missions to Seamen, and returned to their station the following day.- Paid permanent crew. - Rewards, £2 2s. 8d.