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The Admiralty Tug Amsterdam


At 9.8 P.M. the coastguard reported a ship ashore on Redcar Rocks, N.E. of the pier.

A little later it was learned that the vessel was the Admiralty tug Amsterdam. The weather was fine, and the sea smooth, with a light westerly wind blowing. The tide was ebbing. At 9.46 P.M. the motor life-boat Louisa Polden was launched, and found that the tug had run on the rocks and was high and dry. As she was unable to go alongside she returned and landed two men who put out in a small boat to the tug. The lifeboat then returned to her, and stood by until 2 next morning, when she was told that tugs were coming and that her help was no longer needed ; she arrived back at her station  At 2.30 A.M. The tug was refloated at 4.30 A.M. - Rewards, £19 14s..