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The Admiralty Motor Launch 1054


At 7.20 in the evening the coastguard reported that red flares had been seen by the post of the Royal Observer Corps.

The motor life-boat The Princess Royal - Civil Service No. 7, was launched at 7.45.

The second-coxswain took charge, as the coxswain was on duty as a pilot, but the news of the launch was signalled to him by morse lamp and he joined the life-boat at the harbour entrance. A light W.S.W. breeze was blowing, with a slight swell, and there was a haze. On Mill Rock, a mile north of Heugh Light, the life-boat found the Admiralty motor launch 1054, with a crew of eleven. She could not get alongside owing to rocks, and fired her line-throwing gun, but the line fell short of the launch. The launch’s crew then came out to the life-boat in their own small boat, two at a time, all but one man who had got ashore over the rocks taking with him the ship’s papers.

The life-boat got back to her station with the ten rescued men at 11.5. - Rewards, £13 13s..