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River Tay


At 1.30 in the morning, a telephone message came from Kyle that a vessel was ashore on the Morven Coast opposite Craignure. A strong north-west wind was blowing, with a heavy swell and hail showers. The motor life-boat Sir Arthur Rose was launched at 2.10, and at 4.30 found the Granton steam trawler River Tay on Inninmore Point. She had struck a largerock, while bound from the fishing grounds with fish for Oban, and her crew of ten had left her and taken refuge on the rock. They were in no immediate danger and the lifeboat stood off to wait until daylight, when conditions would be easier for taking them off. The Northern Lights Commissioners’ vessel Hesperus arrived, offered to help, lowered her motor boat, and at 6.30 took the trawler’s crew off the rock and transferred them to the life-boat. The life-boat made for Oban where they were landed at 7.45 and taken charge of by the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society. The life-boat reached her station again at 11.35. - Rewards, £16 19s..