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R.A.F. Seaplanes and R.A.F. Launch No. 867

APRIL 7TH. - CROMARTY. At 6.35 in the morning a message came from the R.A.F.

that several of their seaplanes had broken adrift from their moorings, with their crews aboard, that they had not enough boats to face the storm, and that they would be glad of the life-boat’s immediate help. A strong N.W. gale was blowing, with a rough sea, and there were heavy showers of sleet. The motor life-boat James Macfee was launched at 7.15, went to the seaplane base, took two R.A.F. officers on board, and then patrolled round the seaplanes and gave them valuable help. They were all made safe except one, which had foundered. The life-boat searched the firth for her crew of six men, but they had all been drowned. She also reported by wireless to the authorities on shore that a petrol barge at moorings west of Invergordon, with no one aboard, was sinking.

This message probably led to the barge being saved, for, as soon as the weather moderated slightly, R.A.F. men went out and boarded her, just in time to prevent her from sinking.

After the life-boat had returned to her station, a small R.A.F. launch, No. 867, was seendrifting about three miles from shore, and the life-boat went out again. She found no one on board the launch, towed her into harbour, and returned to her station at 11.45. - Rewards, £4 7s. 6d..