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Quest and Dennis

AUGUST 11TH. - FLAMBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. At about 9.30 in the morning a message was sent to the coxswain that the weather was very bad and that several fishing cobles were out. He went to the station and found that most of the fishing boats had cut their gear and had already come ashore, but that two were still out.

A N.N.E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. He decided to launch, and at 9.45 the motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley was put out. She met the coble Q u e s t coming in and escorted her. She went out again and found the other coble, Dennis, south of Flamborough Head and three miles from the life-boat station. Owing to the heavy sea, the coxswain advised the coble to run for Bridlington, and this she did.

The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 11.20 A.M. - Rewards, £10 12s. 6d.