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APRIL 2ND. - AITH, SHETLANDS. At 4.30 P.M. the naval officer in charge, Shetlands, asked if the life-boat could take a military guard to Foula, and bring back some airmen whose Whitley bomber aeroplane had crashed on the island. A moderate N.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea, and the weather was thick and cold. Themotor life-boat The Rankin, with the guard on board, put out at 6 P.M. She arrived at about 9.45 P.M., but found that a landing was impossible in the darkness and the heavy seas, and anchored. She had to wait until noon the following day by which time the weather had moderated and she was able to land the guard and embark the airmen who were injured. She took them to Walls, where the men were taken charge of by the local doctor, and returned to her station, arriving at 6.45 P.M., over twenty-four hours after she had set out. Letters of thanks were received from the R.A.F. at Wick and the flag officer in charge at Lerwick. - Rewards, £15 17s..