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Margaret and Manx Heather (1)

JUNE 24TH. - DOUGLAS, AND RAMSEY, ISLE OF MAN. At 7.50 in the evening a message came to Douglas that the motor boat Margaret was in distress in the direction of Laxey, and at 8 P.M. the motor life-boat Manchester and Salford was launched. A strong W.S.W. wind was blowing, with heavy seas. When the life-boat was half way to Laxey a wireless message was sent her to return at once as another vessel was in distress off Douglas, Head, and the Ramseylife-boat would go out to the boat off Laxey.

Meanwhile at 9 P.M. the coastguard had called up the Ramsey station and at 9.30 the motor life-boat Lady Harrison had put out. She arrived off Laxey at 10.30, but found that the Margaret had got into Laxey harbour without help. She returned to her station, arriving at 12.30 the following morning.

The Douglas motor life-boat, putting back, had found the motor boat Manx Heather, of Douglas, with three men on board, who were out fishing for pleasure, one and a half miles S.S.W. of Douglas Head. She was out of control. The life-boat took her in tow and brought her into Douglas harbour at eleven that night. - Rewards : Douglas, £11 ; Ramsey, £18 10s..