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Landing Craft 2429

SEPTEMBER 15TH. - PORT ST. MARY, ISLE OF MAN. At. 7.30 in the afternoon the Castletown coastguard telephoned that a vessel was in difficulties in Castletown Bay.

A S.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy swell.

The life-boat crew assembled, but the naval authorities asked them not to launch at once as the vessel, which was landing craft 2429, appeared to be getting out of her difficulties.

At nine o’clock another message came from the naval authorities asking the life-boat to go and at 9.15 P.M., the motor life-boat Sir Heath Harrison was launched.

She reached the vessel at ten o’clock.

She was then half a mile from the beach in the centre of Castletown Bay. The life-boat guided her into Castletown harbour and returned to her station, arriving at 12.20 in the afternoon. The naval authorities expressed their thanks. - Rewards, £17 15s..