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A Tug and The Drifters Pittendrum and Barbara Cowie

NOVEMBER  14TH. - FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. During the darkness of the early hours a heavy north-north-east gale, with squalls and a rough sea, broke the moorings of the fishing fleet in Balaclava Harbour. One drifter was driven on to the south breakwater and severely damaged. At daybreak her position was seen to be serious but she sank before help could reach her.

The motor life-boat John and Charles Kennedy was launched at 10.30 A.M. to go to the aid of a tug and other drifters which had broken adrift.

The tug and the drifters Pittendrum and Barbara Cowie, which had no crews on board, were safely moored, and the life-boat returned at 1.50 in the afternoon. - Rewards, £8 11s..