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A Sailing Boat

AUGUST 29TH. - ROSSLARE HARBOUR, CO. WEXFORD. At 3.50 in the afternoon the military look-out post on Greenore Point reported a sailing boat in distress off the point. A strong westerly wind was blowing with a rough sea, and the coxswain could see that the boat was drifting to leeward and would soon be in great danger. The motor life-boat, Mabel Marion Thompson, was launched at 4.5 P.M., the honorary secretary, Mr. W. J. B. Moncas, going with her. Twenty minutes later she reached the boat. There were two young men on board and she was full of camping equipment. She had a sail up, but the two boys on board were rowing in an attempt to make headway against wind, sea and tide, and were exhausted. The lifeboat took them on board and with their boat in tow, returned to Rosslare harbour, arriving at 5.5 P.M. A letter of thanks and £5 were received from the father of one of the boys. - Partly paid permanent crew. - Rewards, £1 3s. 6d..