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A Rubber Dinghy and a Walrus Aeroplane

NOVEMBER 10TH. - PORT ASKAIG, ARGYLLSHIRE. At 12.40 in the afternoon the Bowmore Police reported that a rubber dinghy with men aboard had been seen eight miles south-west of Oversea Island off the west coast of Islay. A gale was blowing from the south-west, with a very rough sea. Putting out at 1.15 the motor life-boat Charlotte Elizabeth went to the position given, only to learn by radio telephony that the men had been picked up. While she was returning she received a further message by morse from Rhu Vaal Liqhthouse that a Walrus aeroplane had been forced down near the lighthouse. The life-boat found her, but there was no sign of the crew. The life-boat took the aeroplane in tow, transferring her to R.M.S. Lochiel, and continued to search for the crew until told that they were safe.

She reached her station again at 8.30 that evening. - Rewards, £20 15s. 6d..